Sunday, October 18, 2009

1054...Bring Your Own Wine Why It Does/Not Work

La Belle is rife with bring your own wine restaurants; the Casa Grec chain immediately comes to mind as does Rue Prince Arthur and Rue Duluth in Montreal. The latter two streets, off St. Laurent, north of Sherbrooke and east of St. Denis, have restaurants literally piled on top of each other and are jammed all-the-time.

Not so much her in Ontario.

I found an old, June 6, 2009 newspaper article from the Ottawa Citizen that breaks it down. It lists five great places in Ottawa to bring your own wine. In this humble drinker's view none of them are great and the reason is simple: they charge you money to bring your own wine. At Casa Grec, Old Duluth et. al. the charge is sans frais; in Ottawa it ranges from 5 to 20 [!] fuc#@ng dollars.

Hello, is anybody home?

This, my friends, is what is called a business opportunity; open a chain of Casa Grec style restos in Ontario, charge zero as in nada as in zilch for bringing in one's own vino and ca ching!

Oh, and pay moi a small royalty, say 1.5 per cent of the gross and we good.


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