Thursday, October 29, 2009

1132...Canada's Fifth Biggest Province Is...


Andrew Mayeda, Canwest News Service, reports that about 2.8 million of us don't live with the rest of us, a number that makes the Canadian diaspora the fifth biggest province so to speak in the nation.

The study by the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada raises important questions, such as whether expats should be allowed to vote, or be required to pay taxes.

57 per cent of Canucks abroad live in the States, Hong Kong, Oz and the U. K.


1 comment:

  1. Of course they should be allowed to vote. They are Canadians after all so they should have a say on what's going on in their home country. Paying taxes is a different thing because they technically don't cost the country a cent so I don't see why someone who lives in Hong Kong should pay thousands in taxes for something he's not getting.

    Take care, Julie
