Saturday, September 26, 2009

924...George W. Bush Costs You Money

The former POTUS is reaping the money, money that is shoved in the wallets of former United State's presidents after they leave office.

He is also costing you, a tax payer in a country that is not his country, money.

Like the one before him, Bill Clinton, President Junior is on the speaker's circuit looking to pick up a few shekels here and there.

Unlike President Clinton, President G. W. Bush attracts an unruly crowd who seem to think he is some sort of war criminal. Bill Curry in the Globe and Mail this morning reports that this is costing you beaucoup d'argent.

Security for President Bush is going to run in the half million dollar range this year. When he appeared in Toronto it cost over 100 k to protect him from harm; same town, same venue, same time for President Clinton and the cost was a tenth of that.

Libby Davies, NDP MP from British Columbia "...said private-sector firms are likely making money from these events and should be helping the government with the security costs."

Yes they should.


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