Thursday, September 17, 2009

872...It's Over Now

Charles W. Moore, a Nova Scotia based freelance writer and editor, writes in today's Telegraph-Journal, a bird cage liner that is prominent in New Brunswick, that the remedy for all that ails in the halls of power in Ottawa and, by extension Canada, is to give Stephen Harper his majority.

This should give pause to all good Liberals [and those from the Orange and Green parties too].

Charles W. Moore has spoken.

In the Telegraph-Journal.

In his thoughtful article Mr. Moore points out that the Liberals received support in only 77 ridings last year and that 2008's result was their worst in over a century.

Actually, Mr. Moore, if you may recall, back in '84 the John Turner Liberals got smoked badly, 40 seats. 2008 - 1984 = not a century.

Why let facts get in the way of a good argument, eh?

But there is more in this poorly researched piece of Conservative drivel and propaganda. Mr. Moore just makes up stuff as he goes along but comes to the same conclusion at each turn: to save Canada from the quagmire it is in one must vote Conservative.

It's over.

Charles W. Moore has spoken.

Drop the future Pulitzer Prize winner a line and thank him for the advice:


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