Thursday, September 10, 2009

824...Stephen Harper Makes A Video

And Andy Blatchford at the Canadian Press reports that the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada did not impress his fellow leaders.

The next Prime Minister, Michael Ignatieff said that the leaked video taped comments show the real PM, a man who doesn't like the other political parties in the Great White North nor does he like the social institutions and justice system that we have developed in this country.

Gilles Duceppe, the captain of team Bloc Quebecois, says that the behind closed doors Mr. Harper sounds like a leader on the fringes of the Republican Party in the States. The BQ is particularly vexed by the fact that Mr. Harper takes pride in blocking leftists from being appointed to the judiciary and other public institutions.

The NDP called the remarks "...low politics that undermine Canada's justice system."

Interestingly nothing from Elizabeth May, the leader of the Green Party who, as has been observed, tends to not be particularly current.

She's probably waiting for the movie.


1 comment:

  1. Why would Stephen Harper get warm fuzzies over the Opposition? Layton proudly declares he has voted against the Cons 79 times (didn't have to even read the budget to declare the NDP would vote NO!) That's real cooperation, Jack.
    As for Ignatieff, he has met with the P.M. 3 times since his coronation in Jan. (twice at the request of the P.M.) His attitude of "he (Harper) knows where to find me" reeks of arrogance. When Harper was in Opposition, he was in constant communication with the P.M. advocating for Canadian people, a high-salaried job that Ignatieff has no clue about as official leader of the opposition. So... 9 months into the year we have heard blustering remarks from Ignatieff about his desire to take down the government no less than 3 times. We are starting to look like a banana republic internationally. The NDP and Liberals equate Harper's "meaness" with not caving in to their expensive demands, other than the budget which was opposition driven. I think the shoe is on the other foot..the Opposition is not cooperating with Harper. If you doubt this check "How'd They Vote" a website which clearly shows the voting records of all M.P.'s. It's an eye-opener!
    As for the justice system --WHAT JUSTICE SYSTEM??? Thankfully Harper has initiated a federal agency to support VICTIMS of crime, since they have largely been forgotten by the NDP/Liberals and Bloc.
    And NO, the Bloc should have no positions in the outcomes of what happens to the rest of Canada, since their mandate is to separate from it. They represent Quebec--leave it at that. Canadians don't want a nanny state --although lately the groanings indicate we might have to grow up a little. As Kennedy said (paraphrased) "ask what you can do for your country, not what it can do for you."
