Sunday, January 3, 2010

1520...Pirate Radio Lives

Uh, what is the point of going through the hassle of getting a license, playing Canadian content and all that when you can just go on the air.

Ottawa's 14 year old pirate, operating a station he calls MIX 91.9, is Jayhaed Saadé and he has been on air since, minimum, Hallowe'en.

I have written about him in Posts 1152, 1379, 1406, 1413, 1424, 1425, 1434 and 1493 for reference, if you desire.

The thing is, the CRTC, Industry Canada, the whole frigging guv is huffing and puffing and telling young Mr. Saade to shut down and he ain't and they ain't doing nothing about it but re huffing and re puffing.

I would anticipate a committee is in the offing, many memos have been sent and received but, again, they be doing squat as in diddly.

This is both cool and cooler. Check it out, big cities like Ottawa have a lot of radio but there are still holes to be filled. Smaller burghs like Victoria and Brandon and St. John's and Brockville and Kenora and and and could use a nice shot of local pop culture.

I think a new day in Canuckistanian broadcasting may have dawned.


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