Sunday, May 31, 2009

181...I Am Pretty Sure This Is Against The Rules

The Ten Commandments/rules, as laid out in the Bible.

Sad story from Wichita, Kansas, Scott Roeder allegedly shot abortionist Dr. George Tiller in the lobby of Reformation Lutheran Church. Well, more to the point, someone shot Dr. Tiller dead and the police arrested Mr. Roeder.

Dr. Tiller was a notorious late term abortionist who was public enemy number one for the anti abortion people but shut the f'k up, two wrongs don't make a right and God was super serious about the Ten Commandments, especially number six.

Killing this dude would be dumb enough but killing him in God's house is extra crazy, no sense of justice. No matter what you think about the doc's chosen job, his murderer is nothing more than a domestic terrorist who is attempting to impose by force a policy that one cannot get in place through democratic means. Dr. Tiller’s killer is no better than any others who attempted to use violence for their extremist ends. Those who truly value life know that murder is the antithesis of the pro-life movement.


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