Saturday, May 30, 2009

170...WhySeals?Instead of Lambs?Here is why.

Ever wondered why they, they being the World Wildlife Federation, Bridget Bardot, People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals, Paul McCartney and on and on have such a hardon re the seal harvest? Especially considering that when you break it down, the 57,000 seal seal harvest is minute when it is compared to the slaughter of 20 million plus cuddly, cute and playful New Zealand spring lambs.

No contest in the cuteness department between baby seals and lambs, lambs win hands down, so why doesn't the WWF, PETA et. al. freak out on the farmers of New Zealand?

I will tell you why, because the true target, the hunters, are easy. The hunters of seals are Inuit [non Edmonton Eskimos] and rural Newfoundlanders. Outsiders. Way, way, way outsiders. The men who silence the lambs in New Zealand are involved in the biggest export business the Kiwi's operate. Insiders. Way, way, way insiders.

Take on big agri business and there is a price to be paid. Take on a bunch of dudes trying to make a few, as in few dollars, e=z.


1 comment:

  1. If I'm not mistaken, the World Wildlife Federation (WWF) DOES NOT object to the seal hunt. They are more an environmental organization than they are an animal right's group. You might to correct your post.

    See here:
