Friday, September 7, 2012

5139...Tim Hudak Not A Champion; He Be Lazy

Wanna know why?  Coz champions don't make excuses.

All over the media today is the cry baby Tim Hudak, soon to be former leader of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party and a huge, huge, huge choke artist, whining that the NDP had too many supporters on the ground in yesterday's by elex in KW.

Listen you big stronzo that is what you do in that sitch:  you pull out the troops.  All of them.

Vaughn was a lock for the Libs; no one in their right mind would vote for that turn coat Tony Genco.

KW shoulda been a lock for the Tim Hudaks; Elizabeth Witmer won by 22 points last time and had been MPP there since Mr. Hudak's fave football team, the Buffalo Bills, were going to Super Bowls.

You are just a lazy f*ck.

That's it and if the Tories are smart that's all too.


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