Friday, March 12, 2010

1905...Quebeckers Are Neurotic

That is what the city of Quebec City paid a New York City consultant 300,000.00 smackers to find out.

It was in the Globe and Mail yesterday, it was and this lad, Clotaire Rapaille, the New York-based market-research expert many Fortune 500 companies turn to for advice, has spent the past few months collecting information to help him unlock the code to Quebec City's collective psyche as part of a contract awarded by the city. Mr. Rapaille "...has given an early report: Quebeckers, he says, are "completely neurotic" and their "sadomasochist" relationship with "the English" means they will never separate from Canada."

Like, doh.

"Now don't get angry when I tell you that you are completely neurotic," he said in his presentation. "You are like a sadomasochist couple. The sadist needs the masochist and the masochist needs the sadist. These types of couples last an eternity, they are the best couples, the most stable. You are with the English a sadomasochist couple and you will be that way forever. What Mr. Rapaille has found so far is that residents are passionate about their city, their surroundings, and their sense of belonging. Yet at the same time they listen heavily to the 'destructive' forces generated by the city's popular 'trash' talk radio."

He points out that they really shouldn't have made it in Anglo dominated North America but they have.

He refers to Canucks as rational, Yanks as reptillian and Quebecois as emotional.

" 'You are the dimension that is missing in North America and that is very important.' he said."

And that they are neurotic.


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