Tuesday, March 2, 2010

1831...Liberals Want Guergis Investigated

Refer to WFDS Post 1804...Leaving On A Jet Plane for background.

What happened was Minister Helena Guergis had a really bad 41st birthday in Charlottetown and turned into a right arsehole at the Charlottetown Airport.

Someone who didn't have the courage to sign his/her letter to Wayne Easter, a Liberal MP from the Island, ratted her out and a sh*tstorm has ensued.

Now the Liberals, led by, according to CBC News, the Liberal critic for the Status of women, Anita Neville, who called for the Minister to cash in her chips last week, want a full blown federal investigation.

Give me a f*cking break.

She had a bad day.

Give her a f*cking break.

Saying that her being a b*tch put passengers in danger is such a pile of.



  1. Ms Guergis did indeed have a bad day, despite received nothing short of VIP treatment, which included holding a plane until after its scheduled departure. I care not that she disparaged a province and the very people she claims to be working for; these are matters for the voters of Simcoe-Grey to consider.

    I don't see that anyone is "Saying that her being a b*tch put passengers in danger" - certainly, Ms Neville hasn't.

    Look, the minister refused the security requests of a screening officer, tried to force open a locked security door, and pound on glass while shouting. Such actions would normally lead to intervention by the RCMP. The fact that they didn't remains a mystery and, at the very least, speaks to a serious lapse in airport security. Let's see any and all reports about the incident, particularly those filed by the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority.

  2. Dear Mr. World Famous,

    Politics is a contact sport. Go into the corner with Mr. Gordie Howe? Come out without your teeth!

