Sunday, January 10, 2010

1552...I Am Now A Tory

I have seen the light.

Tory blue I am.

As Conservative as Mike Duffy I am and for the same reason. I want to be a member of the Senate.

The Saturday Globe and Mail reports that "Mr. Harper is poised to name five new senators before March 3, and likely within a week or two."

Pick me, pick me.

I am perfect for the Senate of Canada: I am malleable, have a suit, live close to the Hill [one bus; instead of a driver get me an Econo OCTranspo pass and I am there] and will vote for whatever our beloved Prime Minister wants me and the rest of Team Blue to vote for. No questions asked. A true Tory Senator.



  1. No fair. I'm an econo-liberationist. I believe in the prime minister. I hate environmentalists. I don't even recycle. I love free speech against the moose-limbs. I hate it when people violate their speech with attacks on the prime minister. We need a new "Canada Freedom Act" where anyone who violates the free rights of good hard-working and obedient citizens will be sent to a hard-labour prison with no parole.

  2. You'd have to change the background colour first...Looks too much like "sun bleached" NDP colours
