Thursday, August 20, 2009

705...Poll Shows 36% Of Cdns Say No To Ms. May

A Canadian Press Harris-Decima survey just released indicates that 36 per cent of those surveyed in our home and native land don't want Green Party leader Elizabeth May in Parliament.

A mere 40 per cent do.

Of course this will be spun round like a record baby to make it seem like the world wants her in the House of Commons.

Afraid not, baby, afraid not.



  1. I'm sorry - but why do you insist on further degrading her by calling her baby? Have some respect at least for the woman and refrain from crap like that. Would you say the same if it was a male politician.. jeez. Liberals should be above that kind of crap. I don't care if you were trying to mimic a song.. I'd much rather prefer some intelligent dialogue.

  2. You can win a majority government with 40% it would seem that 40% is a lot of support.
