Thursday, March 26, 2009

43...The CBC is Nuts

Headline on page 1 of today's Toronto Star:

Reruns on tap as CBC cuts

Let me summarize the story:

"We, the CBC, are losing money coz we have no listeners/viewers sooooo, because we are geniuses, we are going to cut programming and stop being relevant and show more re runs and less local stuff and somehow that will make it all better."

Vision. You have no vision.

In a word: dumb. D U M. Dumb.



  1. It isn't a question of vision, its a question of money. The Con government is yanking a huge chunk of the CBC's funding and they no longer have the cash to produce as many original programs or do local stuff. It isn't the CBC being stupid here, its the Conservatives trying to get rid of the country's national public broadcaster.

  2. "We, the CBC, are losing money coz we have no listeners/viewers sooooo, because we are geniuses, we are going to cut programming and stop being relevant and show more re runs and less local stuff and somehow that will make it all better."

    You have just pointed out everything that is wrong with the CBC. You would
    think with all our tax dollars that have gone to the network over the years,that they would at least break even. But "NO" a billion one hundred million dollars isn't enough. If this isn't throwing good money after bad,well than I don't know what is.

    Not to change the subject,the provincial governments owns the lotteries in this country,I don't see them injecting money to keep them a float. As a matter of fact they take money from them to invest in government programs,in which it isn't the case for the CBC.At least break even geeez. But I digress!

  3. Paperboy, no one is watching our "national public broadcaster" so no wonder they're loosing money. Taxpayers shouldn't have to keep shelling out the big bucks for a service no one but an elite few are using. $1.1B is a lot of money...if they can't run a network on that, plus what they pull in in revenue, then something else needs to be done.

  4. Leeky Sweek - no one is watching Rick Mercer, Hockey Night in Canada, the National, George Stombolopolis, no one is listening to As it Happens, Cross Country Checkup and the Vinyl Cafe etc etc except a few million elitists who do elitist things like graduate high school and people who don't live in major media centers where there is no other tv and radio. Serious, if you want to say no one is listening or watching CBC, you're going to have to show me some numbers to back that one up.
