Monday, September 27, 2010

2882...Andrew Coyne Makes A Point

In his blog, at, re le scandal Maclean's:

Every society has its critics: successful ones thrive on them. But constructive criticism in Quebec, given the francophone majority's perception of itself as an embattled minority, all too often leads to a closing of the ranks against what is invariably described as "Quebec-bashing." If from outside, it is put down to ignorance of Quebec's particularity; if from a non-francophone Quebecer, a failure to identify with the goals and values of the majority; if from a francophone, a traitorous readiness to advance on the backs of his fellows. One half expects to hear the same in this case.

Oft times Quebec reminds me of a minger with a chip on the shoulder.


1 comment:

  1. I would give Coyne some credence if he would stop referring to the tar sands as 'oil' sands and devote a cover story ripping into his beloved Conservatives and its Alberta shame. Quebec and Toronto are easy targets for lazy journos looking to make a yellow buck. Challenge us Coyne by giving us a story on why Calgary hosts so many Neo-Nazi rallies. Tell us about the unethical tar industry. Rip into Saskatchewan's horrific violent crime rate. Rip NL a new one for it virulent anti-Canadianism. Then we'll see who's got the chip on the shoulders with their victim attitudes. But no, Macleans finds too easy a target on the 'liberal elites' in places like Toronto and Quebec.
