Sunday, November 15, 2009

1256...Ontario HST Not On Donuts

"Finance Minister Dwight Duncan and Revenue Minister John Wilkinson pulled into an Etobicoke Tim Hortons to announce meals under $4 and newspapers will be exempt from harmonizing the provincial sales tax with the federal GST."

So writes Christina Blizzard for Sun Media.

She is a little miffed that they don't make other special exemptions such as electrical bills for seniors and heating oil for those who live in the cold[er] northern parts of Ontario.

Here is what I think. Miss Blizzard may be well meaning but the problem with GST and the problem with HST is the f'ing exemptions. Get rid of the committees, get rid of the consultations, get rid of the bulls't and apply the tax evenly. Then, perhaps, just perhaps, the tax could be incrementally lowered. How much tax money is spent to figure out whether donuts and coffee should or should not have a tax? Enough already; consumption taxes should be on all consumptions. End of story.

And the old canard about poor people getting it in the neck, will, poor people always get it in the neck. So, while we are at it, let's throw a point onto the HST, PST, whatever T and have a guarantteed income, no loopholes, for everyone. We could pay for it by simply eliminating Ontario Works and all the workers working there. That would save enough coin for every hard working Ontario resident [and those who are layabouts] to have nice deposit of 1,600 a month into their bank.

I know, makes too much sense.


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