Monday, June 11, 2012

4730...Dean Del Mastro Wishes He Was A Yank

I will tell you why. 

He is soon to be the former MP for Peterpatch, Ontario.  He will need a job and after being an MP a cool job is the one he wants.  If Peterborough was in the States it would have four or five TV newsrooms and at least one radio talker.  He could resign in a huff and become the anchor on one of the TVs or do a phone in show and editorials on the all news station.

Sadly for Dean Del Mastro that option is not there.  There is no quick out.  He has bills, huge grocery bills for sure, to pay.  He is going to hang on to his post for dear life. 

He will walk the plank though.  He is being sued by a defunct company, Holinshed, in small claims court for a number adjacent to 25K.  Check out what Glen McGregor and Stephen Maher wrote in today's Ottawa Citizen.  "It is unclear how Del Mastro will explain why his campaign disclosed only $1,575 of work with Holinshed Research Group, and not the $21,000 in voter identification and get-out-the-vote calls the company said it made during the writ period."  Yeah Deano, what the heck is going on there?  "If the higher amount had been declared, Del Mastro’s campaign would have exceeded his campaign spending limit, a violation of the Elections Act punishable by a fine of up to $5,000 and up to five years in prison."

On the other hand in America they are wont to throw crocked pols in jail; we make them ambassadors.

You say potato and I say potato.


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