Monday, May 30, 2011

3801...Trust Uncle Jack


The Hudson, Quebec boy who, like all good anglos of his era had to move to Toronto to make his bones, tells the few of his people left that they have nothing to worry about an "...NDP plan to boost French in the federal workplace in Quebec."

His Quebec leader, Thomas Muclair, is quoted in Sunday's Montreal Gazette as saying that "Why should a woman who works in a chartered bank, the Royal Bank, have fewer linguistic rights then a woman who works in a caisse populaire (credit union) across the street? It makes no sense."

And if she is English and wants a job? Well there is always Toronto.


1 comment:

  1. The NDP bill doesn't prevent people from speaking English at work, it just gives people the right to work in French at medium- and large-sized businesses in federally regulated industries such as telecom, banking and interprovincial transportation unless their requires dealing with people outside the company in another language.

    Are there a lot of medium or large companies outside Quebec that do their day to day business in French to the point that an Anglophone can't effectively work there?

    As to your question about if an Anglophone wants a job, there are a hell of a lot more medium and large businesses in Quebec that will hire unilingual Anglophones then there are outside Quebec that will hire unilingual Francophones. I would say there are approximately zero such businesses outside Quebec.
