Sunday, May 29, 2011

3796...Sorry Rob Ford

I know you and Paul Godfrey and TSN and The Fan 590 have your hearts set on the Buffalo Bills becoming the Toronto Bills when the only owner they have ever had, the 90 plus year old Ralph Wilson, leaves the planet.

Ain't gonna happen.

For starters, Toronto is not in the USA. Also you don't have a stadium that is dedicated to football. That is a requirement. Plus no one has the quadrillion dollars it takes to buy the team. Or at least no one in is stepping up to the plate with their cheque book ouvert.

Just over the Peace Bridge things are a wee bit diff. The Wall Street Journal, Mayor Ford that is the US version of The Toronto Sun, says that their is a new player "Jeffrey Gundlach, a bond fund manager in Los Angeles, told the Wall Street Journal that he's looking to put a group together that would bid on the Bills when the franchise is put up for sale. Gundlach said he has broached the idea with some wealthy clients for whom he manages money."

Will he move the team to Los Angeles? Well, he is native of the Queen City [that's what Buffaloians call Buffalo; I know, I know, I don't recall a Queen Buffalo either] and I would think that the greedy owners of the NFL would want to keep the City of Angels open for themselves to plunk an overpriced expansion team in if and when.

Sorry Mayor.


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