Monday, August 30, 2010

2809...Then There Were Three

Bye, bye Alex Cullen. First in, first out it seems. Alex Cullen, the sanctimonious city councillor for Bay Ward in your capital's north west end, is apparently going to leave the race for mayor to the big boys, Clive Doucet, Jim Watson and the current hizzoner, Larry O'Brien.

His problem is that no one wants to give him money; he has raised about 20,000 shekels and that just won't cut it.

"Cullen declined to provide an update on the status of his campaign on CBC's Ottawa Morning on Monday, saying those curious 'will have to wait.'" But CBC reports on its website that "On Sunday Bay Ward candidate Oni Joseph added new fuel to the speculation when she posted a message on her Twitter feed saying Cullen would drop out of the mayor's race and return to Bay Ward. 'Just got a call from Alex Cullen - Alex is running in Bay Ward!' she Tweeted on Sunday morning."

There are like ten candidates in Bay Ward so winning there won't be the slam dunk that Mr. Cullen thinks it is either.

Time will tell.



  1. "There are like ten candidates in Bay Ward so winning there won't be the slam dunk that Mr. Cullen thinks it is either."

    Because more candidates splitting the vote makes it so much harder for an incumbent.

  2. pahaha, yea, WFDS, you mean 'Thank you Captain Anonymous Obvious' ;-)

    I'd never take someone seriously, if they sign themselves as 'Anonymous'- Anon. is almost as funny as that Weight Watchers story, except the former is more annoying, lol.
