Tuesday, November 10, 2009

1219...Stephen Harper Must Be Walking On Air


Last night, byelections, boom, out of the park.



  1. Unlikely, 3/4 would have been a coup. He had the BC candidate lay low or invisible so he must have had done internal polling showing the gap was too big to close.
    QC had a "star", some are LIB like to pretend they bought the riding with money.

    The "ground game" compliments of Charest's team? That is the winning hand. Why are the provincial Liberals in Ontario and QC defending and helping the Federal CPC?

    The CPC looks like they had a full court press in a province they were "toast" and the outrage of the Gun Registry?

    Real niche marketing slicing and dicing the voting blocks has been working for years.

    Still NOTHING from the 2 wins should be used to connect the dots for a general election.

  2. I think the third seat in BC would have been the real kicker. It does however make Iggy's bravado about calling "Harper, your time is up." look folly. There has been a stunning misread by Liberals about the mood in this country.
