Thursday, March 24, 2011

3579...America!!! What A Country

They won't take on the metric system coz multipling and dividing by units of 10 is a communist plot.

Fair enough. Every country that has metricated has socialized medecine and we all know that that is commie to nth degree.

Surprisingly it is reported widely that "Congresswoman Martha Roby (R-Ala.) is sponsoring HR 205, The Geometric Simplification Act, declaring the Euclidean mathematical constant of pi to be precisely 3. The bill comes in response to data and rankings from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, rating the United States' 15 year-olds 25th in the world in mathematics."

Apparently rounding pi down to 3 will solve America's problems math wise. Another tact would be to teach kids how to do math but...


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