Tuesday, December 1, 2009

1360...This Is Funny

If Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble had a country its name would be Newfoundland and it would be run just the way you would expect Fred and Barney to run a country. The way Newfoundland is run.

Dyall recall the Sprong Galleries, I think that was the name of the giant greenhouses in, I recall, Mount Pearl, a suburb of the capital, St. John's? Yes, the genie who were running Newfoundland at the time thought "...hmmmmmm, let's corner the world cucumber market...we will all be rich..." Or move to Alberta.

They all moved to Alberta.

Go back a dozen or so years from that brilliant move and you have the great sell off of Churchill Falls, Labrador power to Quebec. Deal made in 1969, it has made 22 000 000 000 dollars for the dealee, Hydro-Quebec and a mere billion for the Newfoundland government.

Every few years the government of The Rock tries to weasel Quebec into breaking or amending the deal, a deal that ends in 2041 and every few years Quebec says f*ck you, a deal is a deal.

Hydro-Quebec doesn't play. They just paid a shade under 5 bill for New Brunswick power and have defended their deal with Newfoundland all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada with success.

The Canadian Press reports that "...Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams says a fresh and 'compelling' legal argument is behind another appeal to Quebec to reopen the Churchill Falls hydroelectric deal."

Surely you jest.



  1. Sprung greenhouse. You should be a little more careful. You are putting down newfoundlanders in general when it's the politicians. Very offensive.

  2. Yes, but who elects them into office?
