Monday, December 14, 2009

1428...She's Back!!!

Elizabeth May, my Facebook friend and the leader of the Green Party emerged from hiding yesterday to appear on CTV's Question Period.

She is in Copenhagen at the big Green show and made some salient and sad points about our home and native land and, responding to Jane Taber, the pull no punches leader of the Greens laid out how we are perceived by the rest of the world.

Well, sadly, we're the country that has come in, well, being heaped with scorn because Canada showed up the first day and basically announced that had we weren't going to negotiate, there wouldn't be movement from Canada. That was when we won our first fossil of the day. We're generally seen here to be a non-participant, not an important player because our role has only been to obstruct progress. So to the extent that people notice Canada, they notice us and hope that we won't get in the way. It's very sad compared to where we used to be in terms of our international reputation for global leadership on these issues, and we haven't enjoyed that kind of leadership for many years now.

Thank you Stephen Harper.

And thank you Miss May for pointing that out.


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