Wednesday, January 5, 2011

3271...A Preview Of Stephen Harper's Canada

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that one in thirteen Georgians are in jail.




"Georgia taxpayers spend $1 billion a year locking up so many criminal offenders that the state has the fourth-highest incarceration rate in the nation. When it comes to overall criminal punishment, no state outdoes Georgia."

Julian Fantino is getting a woody reading this.

And Georgia ain't near the top. "Texas spends more than $3 billion a year on prisons. In 2007, facing the need to spend $540 million to construct three new prisons expected to cost another $1.5 billion to run, the state looked for alternatives. Instead, Texas spends a fraction of that on new probation and parole programs, halfway houses and specialty courts for drug offenders, veterans, drunk drivers and the mentally ill."

You get the Canada you vote for.

Why are you voting for Stephen Harper?


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