Tuesday, December 7, 2010

3196...Hitler The Liberal

Jane Taber tells all that Big Red is demanding that rookie MP Julian Fantino be censured by our beloved Prime Minister "...for remarks he made to The Globe and Mail this weekend, comparing Liberal campaign strategy to Hitler's propaganda tactics."

Mr. Fantino, who spent most of the campaign avoiding the campaign, "...expressed his frustration with charges by the Liberals that he had run a 'peek-a-boo' campaign, avoiding public debates and afraid to address tricky issues."

Stupid facts. Facts which show that he did play peek-a-boo. Facts which mess up his argument.

Mr. Fantino "...told The Globe that was simply not the case, that the Liberals had made the allegation out of desperation. 'I think they intended to hurt my campaign,' Mr. Fantino said. 'The things they said ... a lot of them were absolute lies. They keep repeating [them]. I call it the Hitler theory. You tell a lie often enough you hope that some people will believe it.'"

Comparing the Liberals to the Nazis.

What a schmenge.


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