Saturday, July 31, 2010

2699...No Fun Please: We Are Canadian

John Baird, he is the Minister In Charge Of Flying Objects, doesn't find the "...series of gag luggage decals that depict realistic images of suitcases stuffed with U.S. greenbacks, bags of cocaine, sex toys and even a bound and gagged flight attendant." even remotely funny.

The 40 by 30 cm decals are designed to make your bag easier to spot on the luggage spinny thingy at the aeroport. Not in the land of the beaver though. "'Joking around like this could possibly be a serious violation of the aeronautics act,' James Kusie said Friday in an email to the [Toronto] Star. 'Joking about potentially trafficking illegal substances, or worse, is not funny and the government will use the full force of the law to ensure Canadians who travel by air are safe.'"

The stickers "...which depict a suitcase with the side torn open to expose the bag's gag contents, were sold in Canada until Thursday for $15 each on The company's website warned Friday that the decals are now no longer available here."

"The cheeky website quotes a U.K. Border Agency official, who told the Daily Mail newspaper, 'Our officers see a lot of joke stickers on suitcases and it doesn't affect their professional approach to tackling smuggling of illegal goods.'"

Only not in Canada, eh?



1 comment:

  1. Hmmm.....if they put the Conservative logo on it, Baird would love it.

