Wednesday, October 6, 2010

2904...What Superpowers Would You Want?

That was the last question of the big mayoralty debate in your nation's capital last night.

The Ottawa Citizen reports that Clive Doucet, who looks to be the man who is going to finish fourth in the race, would like to be Spiderman coz that is his grandson's favourite. Jim Watson, the man who will be mayor in less than three weeks said that he would like the power to heal. Andrew Haydon, who is running for mayor coz he hates Larry O'Brien, said he could not top Mr. Watson's answer.

But the best answer came from the current Hizzoner, Larry O'Brien. In a statement that proves yet again that he has no clue, Mr. O'Brien said that the superpower that he would like would be "The power to keep people from talking."

Beauty, eh?


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