Tuesday, May 4, 2010

2228...Toddler's And The Tube

A bad mix according to a study out of La Belle.

According to the study published Monday in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine "Researchers studied more than 1,300 children in Quebec and found that higher TV exposure as toddlers corresponded to less achievement in math, an increase in being victimized by classmates and less physical activity at age 10."

The bottom line according to researcher Linda Pagani, a psychosocial professor at the University of Montreal, is no TV from birth to age two, and no more than two hours a day after that.

This is kind of cool/chilling "...experiments show that when a television is on in the background, infants' and toddlers' play episodes are shorter and less cognitively complex...a study a few months ago audiotaped kids under age four who wore a vest with a digital microphone recording everything they could hear, and what they said. If they heard a television, they spoke less and were spoken to less... and that included when a television was on in the background."

Professor Pagani said she recommends that parents follow the pediatrics academy guidelines.

"A lot of parents are completely unaware of those guidelines. They assume that television is harmless. They treat it like a coffee table."


1 comment:

  1. I don't care what the experts say. The world is not going to implode because little kids watch t.v. Always have (since its inception) always will.
