Wednesday, September 30, 2009

948...The View From Montreal

La Presse, the popular Montreal broadsheet, weighs in on what is happening in La Belle and, more specifically, up the street from La Presse in Outremont.

Andre Pratt postulates that the next Prime Minister of Canada may have hit a road bump in the last few days, one that will only serve to boost the Bloc Quebecois. He makes the point that in the last five years or so the two parties that can and will govern this country for the foreseeable future, the Liberals and Conservatives, have not done a great job at attracting the vote of Quebecers.

Mr. Pratt's take on this current situation is that history shows that federal party leaders, even when they come from Quebec, need a strong Quebec lieutenant. A boss. An Ernest Lapointe or a Marc Lalonde type.

My take on the situation is similar; like it or not, Quebec is Quebec and it is important to realize that. I just think that it is a bit early to do like media have been doing for the last few days, attacking Michael Ignatieff.

The only party that truly understands the dynamics of Canada from Sea to Shining Sea is the Liberal Party and the only leader that gets that is ours.

This is merely a speedbump.


1 comment:

  1. My comment is to the BLoc Party and how they could gain a little credibilty within the rest of Canada. When you hear them in Parliment, they are always saying that Quebec wants this or that. If they tried to change their tune a little by saying all Canadians from cost to coast to coast, they might have a little better reception. They only vote for handouts made to Quebec and the hell with the rest of the country. Open your eyes a little wider Duceppe, there are people from Quebec living right across Canada and they don't take kindly to be snobbed. I speak from experience having my roots in Quebec.
