Saturday, September 26, 2009

925...Tobacco Troubles In La Belle

Going through a pile of this week's papers I came across an article by Steven Chase in Thursday's Globe and Mail. Apparently Rothmans, Benson & Hedges is threatening to close a Quebec factory, an enterprise that provides 300 people an income, if Ottawa doesn't narrow the scope of a bill aimed at stopping the manufacture of candy- and fruit-flavoured cigars and cigarettes.

These smokes are allegedly aimed at children and entry level smokers, although, I for one, am aghast that anyone would accuse a cigarette company of deliberately trying to increase sales of its products by hooking young people and tobacco novices to their deadly and addictive product merely by making the taste tasty.

The aforementioned plant is in Quebec City and Quebec MPs are all a twitter, a Twitter and a blogging try to prevent the passing of this bill which is on the floor of the Senate as I write this. Quebec Tory MP Maxime Bernier, you may recall the name, he had 99 Problems last year and the b**ch was one, said in a posting on his blog Wednesday that Conservatives from his province are going to press for changes to Bill C-32.

Kids and smokes, ah, love those Tories.



  1. Actually I think in Berneir's case the b**ch was at least 90 of his problams.

  2. These laws are actually aimed at marijuana smokers who like to use blunt wraps. Same with the "no smoking in a car with kids" law. Gives cops probable cause to pull the driver over to investigate.

  3. it isn;t just pot users. laws are being drawn up to make anything with any medicinal properties illegal. anything that can be grown outside of the food-and-medicine-industrial-complex will be illegal. garlic, oregano, dandelions..... you won;t be allowed to have a lemon tree in your yard without a special permit.... in case you unlawfully provide vitamin C to your neighbours.
