Sunday, September 20, 2009

888...NDP At A Crossroads

Your Toronto Star has a piece from Angelo Persichilli that summarizes the dilemma that Jack Layton and the Dippers are in. One can synthesize the problem to this concise paragraph:

There is a split in the party. There are some who are tired of being in opposition and want to be in government. Others would prefer to remain in opposition and keep preaching what is right for Canadians without being bothered by the annoying question of what is possible. Going in either direction presents some problems for the NDP leader. However, the worst decision is not to make one at all and risk losing both options.
We have seen this movie before with Ed Broadbent and I am willing to wager that Mr. Layton will dilly and dally and squander whatever political capital the NDP and their 36 seats have.

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