Thursday, February 18, 2010

1755...Tiger Woods Spotlight Hog

I don't know if you heard but the Olympics are on. A once in four years chance for lugers and skeltoners and skiers to be on the world stage.

Serial adulterer Tiger Woods on the other hand is on the world stage pretty much whenever he wants.

Still the little putz has decided that after two plus months of no talkie to the press Friday, the first Friday of the Vancouver Olympic Games, is the time for him to make his big mea culpa statement which will, of course, put him on the front pages of papers around the planet.

This couldn't have waited, could it have?



  1. I'm in France and, Thankfully, didn't hear about it...mind you I'm not hearing much about the Olympics either!!

  2. I agree with you and had a similar sentiment as soon as I heard about it, and that CTV would be broadcasting it live!
