Tuesday, February 16, 2010

1741...More Rob Anders

From my mentor James Bowie's blog, Bowie's Blog.

Why Save Anders?

Asks the Edmonton Journal, why save Calgary-West MP Rob Anders, who can't even control his own riding association?

For the Liberals it makes sense to want to keep him there. Keeping weak MP's like Anders in Parliament is an embarrassment for the Tory caucus. For the Tories, however, the party of Reform, Preston Manning, and MP recall, one wonders why there isn't a mechanism, a referendum, a petition, something to allow the majority in Calgary-West to express themselves.

Let us not forget, moreover, that Stephen Harper was the leader of the Reform Party, not so long ago. One wonders what made him change from being the populist who believed people should be able to recall their MP's to being the iron fisted Prime Minister who prorogues Parliament to avoid unwelcome questions - and takes control of riding associations that don't like their candidates.

In fairness to Anders, I've predicted his demise before, and he seems to manage to stay in the game. Sure he has an extremely safe riding, but there is something to be said for his level of perseverance. When the Edmonton Journal writes "You have to wonder how many how many horseshoes Calgary West MP Rob Anders has hidden in his sock drawer," my answer is lots. Even a cat, however, only has nine lives.


1 comment:

  1. By keeping this nutter in the Party Harper is throwing a bone to the base. To the fringe of the base --- the extremists who would split and create another Reform Party and keept the Tories out of government for another 15 years.
