Front page of the City Section of today's Ottawa Citizen has a nice piece about the President of the Student's Federation of the University of Ottawa, Seamus Wolfe, barring a volunteer organizer from putting up posters advertsiing the upcoming appearance of Ann Coulter.
For the unaware Miss Coulter is a hot blonde neo conservative who is a bit right of the far right. A fact challenged regular on the late lamented Bill Maher's Politically Incorrect and Fox News, she is appearing at the University of Ottawa with Warren Kinsella's fave commentator Ezra Levant
Mr. Wolfe is part of the student group who organized the Israeli Apartheid Week earlier this month. The No Apologies event is scheduled for this Tuesday. They only need to sell another 15 tickets or so, so it’s not an impossible target by any means. Spread the word and contact us with your interest at
Basically the self righteous President is in favour of freedom of speech as long as it conforms to his view of that.
I personally think that Miss Coulter is, at best, an idiot. She is on record as appreciating Canada's support of the United States during Vietnam. Enough said.
But, Mr. Wolfe is scarier than she will ever be.
As a conservative, its very nice to read posts like that from Liberals. In particular the fact that you appreciate the threat from Mr. Wolfe makes my day. thanks.