Thursday, March 18, 2010

1944...Cons Widen Lead Over Liberal Party

An astute commentator on the political scene, me, has been saying since the fall of '09 that if the Canadians did well at the Olympics in Vancouver, we did, and, most importantly, won a gold in men's hockey, we did, it would pump the Conservative Party up, it has.

CBC reports the most recent poll by EKOS has the Stephen Harpers at 33.1 per cent, a 4.2 per cent gap over the Reds. I do tell you it is the first time in recent memory that the party in first place was comfortably ahead by more than the margin of error of two per cent.

Part one of the puzzle is securely in place.



  1. But Nik Nanos released his poll Tuesday and it shows that the Cons are at34.7% and the Liberals are at 34.6%. And Harris Decima and the others will be releasing theirs in the next little while -- so take your choice. Most indicate that there really is no lead, just a dead heat...

  2. Dan, you need to cover more then 1 poll Dan. What of the Nanos poll 2 days ago that showed Cons and Liberals tied?

    Never rely on one poll.

  3. The cons went up 8 points in Alberta - who gives a flying fig - no more seats for boss harpo
