Wednesday, June 23, 2010

2529...Mayor Pierre Poilievre

Really hard to say eh?

But it may come to fruition.

For those of you living outside your capital Pierre Poilievre is the Member of Parliament for Nepean Carleton, the southwestern 'burbs of Ottawa. He took out David Pratt, a minister, couple of elections ago and is the secretary to the Grand Poobah, Stephen Harper.

He is only 31, as of this month, and I think that if Larry O'Brien doesn't run for mayor of Ottawa, Mr. Poilievre may.

As those who follow the WFDS know I am beyond pro Jim Watson for mayor but I fear that if Mayor O'Brien runs he will win in the same way Marc Bureau snuck in in Gatineau.

An Tory insider told me last night over brown pop at a downtown gossip bar that our current mayor ain't gonna run but a heavyweight Tory would step up and fill the gap on the right with the endorsement and support of hizzoner.

Hey, I was right about the Lakers.



  1. Yes sure Dan, this from the guy who "guaranteed" us beyond any doubt that O'Brien would win another term. Even if Mr. Poillievre ran he has exactly zero change of winning. And why would he run when he can keep feeding into his pension forever as an MP?

  2. Hey, I was right on the Lakers.

    In my heart I sincerely think that Larry is going to run again but my source says no and that there will be a high profile Tory sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.


    And the cash ain't bad as mayor, he can set up his own pension and he doesn't necessarily shut the door on the MPs pension; he is only 31.


  3. You're right on the pension, he can still collect his MP pension eventually and for all I know he can port it into another public pension as mayor. But I just don't think he will run and I don't think he can win. And actually I don't think Larry would stand a chance against Watson either. I think Larry only won in the first place because people in his team smeared Munter in the last week with the gay baiting, and I that is the only thing that won the race for O'Brien. He now has lost some of his own constituency and cannot gain any of the Liberal constituency because he has shown he is not a bridge-builder but a bridge-burner. Frankly I can't believe people voted for him in the first place - he acted as though the position of Mayor is like a president or Prime Minister and has some kind of power of a veto. He was so accustomed to being in total control that he had no idea how to do the job of mayor. And Lowell Green and his ilk acted like he was the victim, failing entirely to understand the job of Mayor. You can criticize the system but the simple fact is that the job mayor is to create consensus. Mr Green wanted O'Brien to have the privileges of a dictator, something he would never stop criticizing if there was a left wing mayor making decisions he didn't like.

    Sorry, that was a bit of a rant. It's late.
