Wednesday, July 24, 2013

6271...500 Coffees Paid Fwd In Edmonton

How cool is this.

CBC Edmonton reports that a mystery man went into a Tim Horton's yesterday on Jasper Ave, that's the main drag btw, in the Alberta capital and bought 500 cups of coffee on suspension.  Meaning that the next 500 people who went into that Timmy's got free coffee.

Tim Hortons employee Pinky Lung tells another customer that coffee is on the house after a mystery man pays for 500 cups and leaves.

"'We asked him his name and he didn't tell us,' hostess Pinky Lung told CBC's Lisa McGregor. 'He said he didn't want to tell anyone.'"


1 comment:

  1. The $852.00 could have gone a lot further at a food-bank or a shelter. Most people going to Timmy's have the money to buy a cup.
