Tuesday, March 29, 2011

3595...Tories Miles Ahead In Polls

38 to 24.

But, as pasty faced Sun writer David Akin wrote in this morning's birdcage liner, "...it may be difficult for Stephen Harper to find enough voters to get the majority he wants..." Mr. Akin goes on to quote David Coletto, CEO of pollster Abacus Data of Ottawa as saying "The Conservatives have no room to grow. Very few voters from other parties identify the Conservatives as their second choice. The issues of scandal and contempt have really polarized the electorate."

Let's face it, the Dippers are called the Dips coz when the going gets tough their support Dips. If enough NDP voters, and they are polling at 20 per cent, realize that they are the key to stopping Stephen Harper, Michael Ignatieff will restore this country.

From memory, the NDP usually get about 14/16 per cent of the vote. If that 4/6 per cent goes red when making their X and if if if, happier days will be ours.

'tain't gonna be easy.


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