Thursday, October 29, 2009

1131...Russell Barth Says, You Could Legalize It

Another problem solved.

Ain't gonna happen but, seriously now folks, haven't we seen this movie before?

Susanna Kelley in the Canadian Press today repeatedly quotes OPP Commissioner Julian Fantino about the terror that is the grow op industry in Ontario, an industry that allegedly is epidemic in Ontario. "Investigating and shutting down marijuana grow-ops make up 60% of the workload of the force's drug enforcement unit, OPP Insp. Brian Martin said."

Or, since the war on drugs is essentially over, drugs having won, the Stephen Harpers could man up and legalize it, it being the evil drug marijuana, and not only save tons of money but they could throw that cash into, hmmmmm, let's say rehabilitation centers for alcoholics and drug addicts.

That would lower the crime rate expodentially but it would put a lot of cowboys with badges back on traffic stops. Cannot have that.

Commissioner Fantino says that we are too soft on drug criminals in Canada, pointing out that "Those (criminals) working cross-border, we'd love for them to get indicted into the United States because that's where they're really going to get the business." By the business presumably he means longer jail sentences.

We of course know how well that has worked in the United States where there are zero drug problems.

Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it and repeat it and repeat it and repeat it.


1 comment:

  1. I agree that is should be legalized, but there's no way the Americans would be cool with it. And seeing how a post 9/11 thickening border is already a major concern for us, it just won't happen.
