Monday, June 8, 2009

235...Toughest Job In The World, Canadian Version

A cut and paste job re the Lisa Raitt case via the Canadian Press.

OTTAWA - A Halifax newspaper will be in court today fighting an apparent attempt to block it from publishing details of a tape recording involving Natural Resources Minister Lisa Raitt. Details of the case - and the recording - are under wraps for the moment. But sources say Raitt's former press secretary is seeking an injunction to keep the tape from becoming public. They say the tape was left on accidentally after recording an interview with journalists, and captured private comments by Raitt. Sources say Jasmine MacDonnell, who resigned last week, left her tape recorder in a House of Commons washroom weeks ago. It eventually made its way into the hands of an Ottawa-based reporter for the Halifax Chronicle-Herald. (The Canadian Press)

Apparently Jasmine MacDonnell is super forgetful; first she leaves papers at CTV Ottawa and now this.

Could it be Ms. MacDonnell is a big fan of listening to Green Day CDs on a chronic basis?


1 comment:

  1. I used to date a PCO staffer. They're all hardcore drunks. They hate pot.
