Thursday, June 18, 2009

320...X Does Not Mark The Spot

The Next Prime Minister of Canada, Michael Ignatieff, in a great display of statesmanship, delayed his inevitable move to 24 Sussex Drive by coming to a compromise and agreeing to not take down the Conservative government this week.


This shows why Mikey I. will be one of the greatest Prime Ministers ever; he continues to show how strong and principled he is. Plus it gives the current Prime Minister time to bone up on Alberta real estate law for the big test he will have to take to become a real estate agent back home in Calgary when his political career winds down in the next couple of years.

I have said it before and will say it again: Stephen Harper will sell homes like nobody before him. He has that "je ne sais quoi".

One person who didn't approve was L. Ian MacDonald is editor of Policy Options magazine who wrote disapprovingly of Mr. Ignatieff on page A23 of today's National Post. Mr. MacDonald, if memory serves, has been a Tory hack since, minimum, the days of Brian Mulroney, the pre PM Muldoon, so, it does not suprise that his bylined article "Ignatieff's lousy week" was disproving.


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