Thursday, November 25, 2010

3134...Dogs Smarter Than Cats

Metronews' Paul Sullivan reports that Oxford University, the one in Merry Ole, has studied 500 species of critters and have figgered out that social animals, dogs, are smarter than solitary animals, cats.

This of course means we have a new winner in the who gives a f&ck category.


1 comment:

  1. Have you read the study or listened to what the researcher(s) had to say. I'll admit to not doing the former, but I did hear a researcher from Oxford on AIH last night. The study showed that the brains of social animals have evolved (changed) and grown more in recent evolutionary history than those of solitary animals. It shows a selection pressure for increased brain size in social animals. Heaven alone could know what anybody would mean by one species being "smarter" than another.

    I suspect that perusing any scientific journal would give you lots of candidates for your category.

    That said, as far as I can tell the PM is a solitary animal ... just sayin'
