Wednesday, September 1, 2010

2815...Most Shocking Headline Ever

Oilsands polluting waters: study; Toxic metal content exceeds guidelines

Calgary Herald

OMG, OMFG, I just cannot believe it.

Oy vey.

Cannot wait for next week's series: Sky Blue, Water Wet.

What is so bullsh*tty about the whole thing is that the Alberta government, oil companies and the feds, no matter who is in power [okay, probably not the Greens but seriously, folks, as if]will do what the cigarette companies have done for decade upon decade. Deny, deny and deny.

Example thereof is that "The Alberta government has disputed the suggestion that the province's lucrative oilsands industry is adding significantly to the load of heavy metals in the environment. Government officials have claimed that the Athabasca watershed naturally contains a lot of heavy metals, and studies show that virtually every metal increases steadily in concentration as you proceed downstream from the foothills through Alberta."

This study, headed by David Schindler at the University of Alberta, punches huge holes in that theory. "We found that (concentrations) were highest right around industrial development and as you move down river beyond that they actually tail off -- not to zero or to background, but they probably tail off to a value that does reflect some natural input. But if you put it all together, the big inputs are clearly industry."

Of course they are.


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