Thursday, August 13, 2009

666...Inside Baseball

In yesterday's Globe and Mail Adam Radwanski warns the Liberals against, my turn of a phrase here, playing too much inside baseball this political cycle.

By that term I mean to say that I interpret Mr. Radwanski's article, headlined Perception Versus Reality, to mean that the Liberal Party of Canada has to be careful in how it perceives that it is perceived by the electorate. On Parliament Hill and in Toronto, where a ton of Liberal MPs come from, the Tories are thought of as uber partisan, off putting and ineffective. To a sentient person it is a no brainer who to support at the ballot box next time out. That is the folly of playing inside baseball. Sure this may be the reality but the fact of the matter is Canadians, especially those off the Hill, don't pay that close attention to the day to day activities in government and are not driinking the same Kool Aid as members of the Big Red Machine.



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