Sunday, July 26, 2009

581...Liquor On The Sly

Five finger discounts are up at the LCBO, Ontario's liquor monopoly.

Let those last two words soak in.

Liquor monopoly.

That means if you are a desperate person and you steal from the only game in town re booze you cannot go into that place and that would mean you would have to move elsewhere, like another province or state.

The Liquor Control Board of Ontario says that shrinkage, the industry term for shoplifting, is up revenue wise, close to a million. Six point five mill of booze is unaccounted for in the system. That represents about .18 per cent of the gross for the LCBO. The industry standard for shrinkage last year, outside of the booze biz, was 1 per cent.

Dean Beeby, Canadian Press, reports that 651 thieves were nabbed red handed leaving the store without paying.


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