Saturday, April 11, 2009

65...Weight problems, I have no weight problems

Thankful for that, I am.

What I do have is a height issue.

I should be 6 feet 6 inches [for those of you on the metric system, that is very, very, very tall].

I am 5 feet 9 inches.

I am giving myself until Labour Day to reach my goal of 6'6".

I didn't get short overnight; I am not going to get tall overnight.

I was reading the Michael Deacon's column in yesterday's Telegram, a London, England newspaper, that the National Health are spending three times as much money on obesity now as they did at the mid point of the decade. He also points out that calling it an epidemic is stupid and that experts have assured him that a proper diet and exercise will cure obesity. As one who is undertall, I fully understand and certainly agree that the biggest cure for obesity would be for one and all to simply push away from the table, now.

Not an epidemic in the style of Polio or Malaria, still, obesity is rampant, especially among kiddies and those of us with less money. This is probably the first time in history that the poor have higher Body Mass Index's than the rich.

Food for thought.


1 comment:

  1. I am giving myself until Labour Day to reach my goal of 6'6".

    I didn't get short overnight; I am not going to get tall overnight.

