Thursday, February 11, 2010

1715...Being Fat Pays Off

Wow, may be I will hang up my fishing rod and become a professional fat guy.

Pay is decent and one can sit.

Take the case of morbidly obese Ste. Marie, that's about an hour north of the Capital, Quebec resident Marise Myrand. The 389 pound woman, that's the right weight for some one 9 feet 5 inches tall by the by, went to the Quebec Human Rights Commission when her condo development would not force a senior citizen out of the parking spot the porker wanted.

The spot was nearest to the door and Joceylne Nolet, who is a decade older than our porcine victim, didn't want to give it up. Something to do with her being there first and being in her sixties.

So Miss [I presume it is MissI] Myrand [although she has a boyfriend, Denis Turcotte; lucky guy] went to the wall and came out laughing according to the reportage in the Canadian Press. She gets her spot March 1, like in two weeks, and gets 10,000 smackeroos for pain and suffering. Ten thou that she could use to visit Dr. Bernstein, the weight loss dude, in Ottawa but will probably blow it on buffets instead.

By the way, this fuss started in 2005 and the complaint was filed in January of '06.

If our hero had of stepped away from the buffet and ate reasonably while waiting for her day in court she could have dropped a couple of hundred pounds.


1 comment:

  1. that says two things.
    1) that being fat pays off
    2) you can sue anyone for anything and get money for it.
    what are we wasting our lives in a job for?
    lets just eat and sue people.
