Saturday, December 4, 2010

3184...The Bully Emerges

Now that it is in the bag Julian Fantino, the rookie Stephen Harper from Vaughn, has pulled his dick out and started swinging it.

Jane Taber's lead in the weekend Globe and Mail says it all: "For 30 days Julian Fantino held his tongue, campaigning as the Conservative candidate in the suburban Toronto riding of Vaughan, surviving on pizza and trying to ignore the Liberal attacks. He had vowed to take the high road during his campaign – and he did."

Translation: the big bully hid for a month.

In a rambling story full of non sequitors the future scary cabinet minister, a guy who is on record in his memoir Duty: The Life of a Cop as saying that the Charter goes too far, shows his true, scary, colours.

First Caldonia; next Canada.


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