Thursday, November 19, 2009

1286...Consumers Are Being Fleeced

Terry Corcoran, there's a good Irish boy, of the National Post tells how elite accommodation is costing consumers in our home and native land beaucoup d'argent, in fact the lower you go on the financial food chain the more beaucoup it costs in proportion. "And Canada's parliamentarians -- Liberal, Conservative, NDP and Bloc -- have again unanimously voted in favour of it all."

In America every little boy, rich or poor, can grow up to be President. Case in point: Presidents Obama and Clinton. In Canada, not so. The fact that the benches on Parliament Hill and the other legislatures in Canada are stacked to the ceiling with the children of the middle and upper middle and they just don't get it.

Because of tariffs and trade barriers and Canadian content rules we pay more for everything in this country than they do in America. Mr. Corcoran is focused on dairy in today's story but he could have been talking about gasoline, which is about 3.00 a U.S. gallon in Detroit and 4.00 for the same gallon across the river in Windsor or other things but he chose dairy.

The Commons Standing Committee on International Trade, chaired by urban cowboy and Calgary Centre MP, a Tory, "...issued a 3½-page 'report'" with a sole recommendation: 'That the government of Canada affirm its unequivocal support of, and commitment to defend, Canada's supply management system.'"

Mr. Corcoran writes that "It more accurately should have been titled 'Let's Keep Screwing Consumers.'"

Again, this is not the Conservatives f*cking Canadians up the poopinsnapper; this is an all party cluster f*ck.

The best example of this is from Peterborough, the home of MP Dean "I need a Timbit" Del Mastro:

There's a Baskin-Robbins ice cream plant in Peterborough, Ont., that imports cheap American milk and cream at U.S. prices, turns the cheap milk into ice cream, and then exports the cheaper ice cream to the United States. But that cheaper ice cream cannot be sold in Canada. For Canadians, Baskin-Robbins has a separate production run that uses overpriced, supply-managed milk and it then sells overpriced Canadian ice cream. No wonder Canadian ice cream sales are falling.

Those higher prices cost the 800,000 Canadians a lot more proportionately than the rest of us. All parties should be ashamed. And this protectionism weakens us on the world stage to. Competitiveness works.


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